Mingalabah (Hello in Burmese),

How is everyone doing back at home? I hope you are enjoying the nice weather (hopefully it's nice weather) and not sweating profusely like we are!

The past couple of days have been very busy and great! On Monday night and Tuesday night there was an evangelism outreach in two local markets. Like Sarah said, it is some sort of Buddhist holiday so the markets were packed with people (great evangelism opportunity). On Monday we were actually able to hand out tracks (pamphlets) to the market venders, customers and also people around the market. I am terribly awkward when it comes to evangelism, so I knew I would have to rely on God for the courage and strength to reach out to the Thai people. It was an incredible time for me to experience God visibly working through me, pointing out certain people that He wanted me to hand a track to. It was very humbling to only rely on "Patdowlacoon" (God loves you in Thai) and our smiles to represent God's love. Please pray for the people that have read those tracks that they would feel God's love and want to pursue a relationship with Him!

Last night we were lucky enough to join the Burmese people in their weekly Tuesday night worship. I would often find myself standing there with my jaw wide open in awe because of the incredible deep passion that they had for God while they worshiped. The Burmese have illegally immigrated into Thailand because of the devastating massacre that were happening in Burma (Mynamar). These people are the lowest of the low, they have absolutely nothing and are looked down at by the Thai population. They may look like they have nothing, but they have everything through Christ! It was definitely an eye-opener for me and I look forward to learning much more from them in the next 3 weeks (and then of course sharing it with you).

Thanks for all the support everyone! We are continually being challenged and would much appreciate your prayer support.

Lots and lots of love,

Worship at the Bermese Church on Tuesday night!
5/18/2011 09:39:18 am

So good to hear from you - having fellowship with the Burmese and Thai Christians is a wonderful experience and opportunity. God bless.

5/22/2011 07:51:06 am

It takes courage to evangelize and hand out tracks. Stay encouraged and know we are praying for you guys.


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