We are two full days into our stay here in Thailand and I'd say we are doing pretty well.  We are staying at The Hope Center with one of our hosts, Sandy.  She has been taking good care of us and has been really understanding of the adjustments we are making culturally, food wise and time wise.

After over 24 hours of traveling on Monday, we were up bright and early Tuesday morning, super excited and slightly awake, just in time to enjoy a home cooked breakfast, care of Gun.  Gun is a Thai woman who is currently getting back on her feet and living at The Hope Center with her beautiful daughter Gam, while MB Mission helps her to start up a food and drink stand.  Our first Thai meal was"Rice Porridge" a concoction of shrimp, scrambled egg, broth, green onion, fish oil and of course rice - FOR BREAKFAST!  Surprisingly, I loved every bite of it.  I can imagine the jaws of every single one of my family members dropping to the floor as they read that (I am a RIDICULOUSLY picky eater!) but I had many people praying for my willingness to try and enjoy new food during this trip and it worked!! 

Afterwards, we headed over to Dave and Louise's home where we took part in their weekly worship service.  Together with our 3 English hosts, a Burmese Pastor and 7 Thai believers, we praised and worshiped Jesus in 3 different languages!!  It was absolutely incredible to pray and to sing in English, alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ, who were speaking in Burmese and Thai.  I could feel that we shared the same heart, even though we didn't share the same language.  At times, English would be translated to Thai, which would then be translated to Burmese and the Burmese response would be translated to Thai, which was then translated to English - really incredible to be a part of. 

Following worship, Dave attempted a brief orientation with us but he quickly recognized we hadn't yet adjusted to the time difference and were fading fast and sent us upstairs to his kids bedrooms for an afternoon nap and we continued orientation later in the day.

Tuesday evening and Wednesday evening, we headed to a park and gathered up local children to play games and to do ESL lessons.  Special thanks to Erin, an ESL teacher at my school Highbush P.S for providing us with easy to use lessons for English language learners.  We had a blast playing with the children and teaching them how to have simple conversations in English.  Apparently they enjoyed themselves as well as we had most return today and many new faces as well.  Thank-you to WMB Church for donating a parachute via Bethany.  The kids LOVED playing with the parachute and we had a lot of fun joining in.  Thanks to my friends back in Ajax for donating so many dollar store items - this helped us to provide toys as prizes to many of the children who participated in word bingo today! 

It hasn't only been the Thai children experiencing new things but so too have we.  We watched Sarah ride away with a squeal, followed by the sound of many giggling Thai children, as she got a lift back to our meeting place on the back of a motorcycle.  On Tuesday I was given a break dance lesson that thankfully wasn't recorded.  Wednesday evening Sarah, Bethany and Kiara were given a break dance lesson and we were able to capture Bethany and Sarah's demo of their skills.  I will work on posting that now, as they are sleeping.  Payback for their love of cheesy pics, perhaps?!? haha

Tuesday night we headed to the Burmese Church and took part in their worship service.  We were introduced to the small but growing congregation in English and then we attempted in Burmese.  Wednesday evening we headed to Bethel Church and participated in Thai worship and prayer with 3 of the students from the park - Dow, Meyou, Mai, Meyou's little brother Garfield, as well as Dow's father and one of their friends.  During prayer time, all the Thai and Burmese people shout out their prayers at the same time.  At first this was overwhelming to me and a bit distracting but it quickly became encouraging.  It is a great feeling to share and hear the prayers of others (even though I am unable to understand all of them) and it very powerful to hear the prayers and praises of all at the same time.

We have all formed a special bond with the three girls Dow, Mai and Meyou who attended both ESL classes, spent some time trampolining with us and attended service with.  As we spend time with the girls, they are working on teaching us Thai, as we are teaching them English.  We are all giggling away and really enjoying our time together.

After a successful authentic Thai breakfast on Tuesday, we decided to fill our day with Thai food - morning, noon and night.  After some digestive complications for some team members (I won't name any names!!) we decided to take it a little easier on Wednesday.  We were able to find cereal and milk at a 7/11 (they are on every corner here in Thailand) and Sandy took us to a local mall for lunch, where we ate KFC (slightly different in Thailand but chicken none the less) and had Dairy Queen for dessert.  DQ cost us only 30 BAHT each- which is 90 cents CANADIAN!!!  I was tempted to order 5 for myself but I exercised control.  We finished the night off with Pad Thai from a local market.  It was absolutely delicious. 

Here's hoping our digestive systems can handle today's menu and that I am able to sleep through the night.

Thanks for reading my LONG post!!!

Cara xo

Hiiii everyone,
So, we just arrived in Thailand a few hours ago, it is night time here so we haven"t gotten to see anything or really do anything cool.  However, I did get to see the inside of a Thai doctor's office first thing after we landed.  I unfortunately have some kind of eye infection, my eye was throbbing during the entire day of travelling, so I went to the doctor and they gave me some antibiotics and an eye patch.  So yay I get to look like a pirate... a pirate with glasses....so like a nerd pirate, it is pretty great! So, I don't really know what else to say.  Ummmmm our flights were pretty smooth, the flight from Toronto to Tokyo was almost 13 hours, but I slept through most of it because I couldn't really open my eye.  Then our lay over in Tokyo was short but sweet.  I was obvis loving it since I am obsessed with Japan, I am sure the girls thought it was kind of dull.  Then the flight to Bangkok was amazing because it was empty so we all got a section of three chairs to ourselves, so it was pretty much ridiculously comfortable.  Oh also, all our flights had sooooo much food, so if I am huge when I get back, I am blaming it all on the airlines.  Okay, so it is late here, I want to sleep.  I will get one of the girls to post a more informative post in a couple days

Sa-wat-dee kha family and friends,

Thank you so so so much for coming and reading our blog! We are really excited because we saw that over 200 people viewed our blog in one day. It is so encouraging for us to know that we have so much support back at home and also that there is so many people experiencing this journey with us! I find that very exciting!

Today we had to say good-bye to the other Action teams that are headed over to Japan and the Congo for the next 4 weeks. It was touching to see how close we all got to eachother in only 5 short days. That is what will happen when there is lots of prayer, lots of games and lots of laughter..... lots and lots of laughter!

This week has been incredible to really learn from the resource staff. Each one of them played a key role in helping each team prepare for our destination. So we just wanted to thank them (THANK YOU RESOURCE STAFF) for all of the valuable information they shared with us. This week we heard some unique jokes (some good, some bad), ate too much food (because it was so good), learned more about the Thai culture (We will follow your guidance), gained lots of knowledge from the sessions and had great worship times.

Tomorrow morning we are headed off to the far far away land of Thailand. Our flight leaves around 2 p.m. and we would appreciate your prayer as we are going to be in the air for a total of 18 hours!

Thank you for your love and support. We could have NEVER imagined the amazing support that we have received so far. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Lots of Love,

Hello all!!

It's so exciting to be able to share this journey with you!! God has been super amazing and this week for me, has been life changing. I want to personally thank everyone who has supported me and my teammates. I also want to say how loved I have felt by the many letters that I have received from home. (Thank you Jess, you are the most amazing mentor and I am so blessed to be able to call you my friend.)
Yesterday (Thursday) we trekked over to the T-dot for the afternoon. It was cool to get back into the real world after being in the house for the past couple days. We met up with this REALLY cool organization. It's called "Move in". In Toronto and through out the world, this organization intentionally moves into communities to share the Great News of Jesus. These communities all over have such a need and its in our own backyard. I thought it was such an amazing idea for students to not only to be getting their education, but use it as an opportunity to share Jesus. It was also really neat to see young adults who are in the work world intentionally moving in as well.  If you want to find out more about this organization look them up  www.MoveIn.to  Definitely check them out!!
We also did a prayer walk through a Toronto community that is largely Muslim. It was really cool to just go around and claim it for Jesus! The entire time I was praying the song "God of this City". It was a really eye opening to see the need for Jesus and how even at home there are so many people that have that need. For me this week has really challenged me in sharing my faith. I think its more of an attitude change and being unashamed! Jesus' love is SO great that how can we just keep it to ourselves!! We have this amazing message that we don't share! I was really amazed at how simple a concept Move In is. They live and pray to meet people and they are there for them. They hang out; they help with homework etc. It is so cool to see how God uses the regular people like you and me to be missionaries. For my CnC's back home, THIS is what we are to be in Barrie! God has set this on my heart for us! Now on a lighter note, Bethany and I got our first sunburns!! I can only imagine how many more sunburns we will get!!! 
Today was our last day in orientation and we are all saying good bye! The Congo team is leaving tomorrow evening at 6, and the Japan team on Sunday early in the morning. I am so excited to get to the airport on Sunday and actually get on the airplane!!! It is still kind of surreal to be going to Thailand. I also found out that the first flight is 12 hours! We have a 2 hour stop over in Tokyo and then a 6 hour flight to Bangkok!!! SO much traveling!!!!!!!!!!!
So that's over 20 hours of traveling without factoring in the 11 hour time change!
It is has been really great over the past couple days to see my team get tighter! God brought some of the most unexpected (for me) personalities on my team; I am so excited to get to know them better because of that.
So that is all! Just a "short" update! My next update will be in Thailand!!!! CRAZYYYYYYY!!! I can't wait :D
Sending Christ's love to all,
Sarah <3
Sa-wat-dee kha!
( That's how you say hello in Thai ) 

After a few weeks of emailing back and forth, Bethany, Kiara, Sarah and I were finally able to meet in person on Monday. This is going to sound cheesy, I know...but when we all came together, it didn't feel like it was our first meeting at all; it felt as if we had been friends forever.  Over the last few days we've spent a lot of time getting to know one and other better, sharing our stories, our goals, and how God is working in our lives. 

Through this process, we were able to come up with an original, yet "cheesy" team name... "BARA".  It's a little like the saying "one of these things does not belong here"....Bethany had noticed our names all had "ara" in them and had come up with the  team name "ARA".  However, we felt Bethany didn't fit the "ara" theme and that she need to be included.  So we've added her to our team name, creating the newly formed and ever impressive team "BARA"!!!!  We were so enthused by our new name, that we wrote an acrostic poem to go along with it, but I will leave that for one of my teammates to share with you at a later date.  This is a great reason to continually check our blog for updates.

Today was a great day, filled with a lot of laughs.  We ventured outside for a "cheesy" photoshoot so we could post pictures for our friends and family.  Please note that two of these "cheesy" pictures have already been added to the blog, for your viewing pleasure.  Much to Kiara's and my dismay, Bethany and Sarah are big fans of these cheesy photos, so do expect more to come.

We also had the chance to spend time with a missionary couple (Karline and Kevin) who served in Thailand with MB Mission for 3 years.  They were able to share a lot of valuable information about the country and people.  Here are some interesting facts we learned that you should definitely know - In Thailand: never step on a coin, call for someones attention with your hand facing down (never up!), don't point at people, don't touch peoples' heads, it is impolite to eat while walking and being called fat is a compliment.  I'll explain the meaning behind the coin: The King is the longest reigning monarch and is highly respected by the people of Thailand.  His face appears on Bot and so if you step on a coin, you are stepping on the King and this is extremely disrespectful to the Thai people.  I have run out of time, so you will have to figure out the rest on your own.  Have fun!

Kop Kun Kha and lah gorn!
( Thank - you and Goodbye )

Cara :-D

Hello All!

We just wanted to welcome you to the Team Thailand 2011 blog! We have less than a week before we start the Action Program on May 2nd. We start off with a week of orientation that will prepare us for what we will encounter while in Thailand.

While in Thailand we are going to be hosted by Dave and Louise Sinclair-Peters. We encourage you to watch the following MB Mission videos that tell you more about what God has been doing in Thailand in the past 10 years (Way better than any blog could).

and many more at..

Thank you so much for your support! We are all looking forward to this experience and especially towards what God is going to teach us!

Bethany & the Ara team

p.s.. we named ourselves the "Ara Thailand Team" since the majority of our names end with "ara" (Cara, Kiara and Sarah).  It's pretty fitting!